Our Nevada locations do not offer partial syringes or sell toxins by units in accordance with Nevada Medical Laws
The red LED light is used to improve the appearance of skin firmness and resilience. It also helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and other signs of aging
Red light therapy is also called low-level laser therapy (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), and photobiomodulation (PBM).
How Does Red Light Therapy Work?
With red light therapy, you expose your skin to a lamp, device, or laser with a red light. A part of your cells called mitochondria, sometimes called the “power generators” of your cells, soak it up and make more energy.
*Actual patient results may vary. Botox, Kysse, Restylane, Juvederm, Contour, and select brands may be subject to additional costs. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice for all our services and products. Final patient costs reflects application of vendor or manufacturing rebates and promotions. Additional costs may apply for specialty areas.
I've been on accutane and came off of it because it's pretty rough to be on it. I wanted to give the light therapy and try and it truly is amazing how these medical light therapy really helped calm down the acne. Thanks Zelenka!
Red Light Therapy | Red LED Light in California and Arizona | NakedMD